
Moodle Course Activity Features


Assignments enable teachers to grade and give comments on uploaded files and assignments created on and off line.

 Upload a single file
 Advanced uploading of files
 Online text
 Offline activity
 Assignment module documentation

The chat module allows participants to have a real-time synchronous discussion via the web.

 An open chat
 A repeating chat
 Chat module documentation

Here a teacher asks a question and specifies a choice of multiple responses.

 A choice with anonymous results
 A choice with non-anonymous results
 Choice module documentation

The database module enables participants to create, maintain and search a bank of record entries.

 Image gallery
 A database of web links
 Database module documentation

Forums provide the opportunity for asynchronous discussions.

 A standard forum for general use
 Each person posts one discussion
 A single discussion
 Forum module documentation

The glossary module enables participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary.

 A dictionary-style glossary
 An FAQ-style glossary
 Glossary module documentation

Lesson activities can deliver content in interesting and flexible ways. It consists of a number of pages. Each page generally ends with a question and a number of possible answers, and leads to another page based on the student's choice.

 Lesson 1 - Basic parts
 Lesson 2 - Question types
 Lesson module documentation

This module allows the teacher to design and set quiz tests, consisting of multiple choice, true-false, and short answer questions and more. Each attempt is automatically marked, and the teacher can choose whether to give feedback and/or to show correct answers.

 A listening quiz
 A quiz with a password
 Quiz module documentation

Teachers can provide course resources in various formats - pages edited in Moodle, uploaded files or web links.

 A web page
 An image
 An MP3 file
 A Pdf file
 Resources documentation
SCORM packages

SCORM is a collection of specifications that enable interoperability, accessibility and reusability of web-based learning content.

 eXe SCORM package
 SCORM module documentation

Teachers can use surveys to gather data from their students that will help them learn about their class and reflect on their own teaching.

 Critical Incidents survey
 Constructivist On-line Learning Environment Survey (COLLES)
 Attitudes to Thinking and Learning Survey (ATTLS)
 Survey module documentation

A wiki is a collection of web pages that anyone can add to or edit.

 Course summary wiki
 Wiki module documentation

The workshop module enables peer assessment

 Worshop module documentation
 Moodle course assignment
 Open discussion
 Assignment 2
 Assignment 3
 Assignment 5
Interactive content
 Interactive Video
 Image Hotspots
 Virtual Tour (360)
 Course Presentation
 Raspberry Course Presentation
 Anonymous Course evaluation feedback
 Course evaluation feedback

Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


E-mail: vatl@ysu.am

Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77

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