
Basic Scratch

Basic Scratch
 Download Scratch at home

Here's the  link to the version of Scratch we'll be using in this course

 Download the full Scheme of Work

Here's a downloadable pdf of the whole scheme of work.

Section 1
 Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan for our first lesson.


What: Find out how Scratch scripts work
How: Telling bad jokes
Why: Get used to using sequences of instructions


 Video tutorial: Bad joke
 Video tutorial - Improving the joke
 Video tutorial: Adding some movement

Uploads and Classwork

 Write your bad joke here!
 Upload your finished Scratch file


 Watch Sonic the Hedgehog
 Sonic Homework
Section 2
 Lesson Plan


What: Find out how sprites and costumes work
How: By making characters move
Why: So we understand what sprites can do


 Video tutorial - Sprites and costumes
 Video tutorial -Looks
 Video tutorial: Sensing keys
 Video tutorial: Collision detection

Uploads and Classwork

 Upload your Challenge file here
Section 3
 Lesson Plan

Here is the lesson plan for our third session.



What: Find out how to repeat instructions
How: Using Loops (forever and repeat)
So we can run simple instructions lots of times

Uploads and Classwork

 Upload your favourite Scratch files


 Drawing Shapes
 Upload your homework Scratch files
 Going Loopy
Section 4


What: Make a simple game
How: Using Scratch
Why: Learn basic control routines


 Step 1: Follow me!
 Step 2: Dodgeball
 Step 3: Ouch!

Complete the following in any order you like!

 Extension 1: Points
 Extension 2: Difficulty
 Extension 3: Easy,medium or hard
 Extension 3: Easy,medium or hard


 Upload your game
Section 5


What: Learn how to do more in Scratch
 By completing a racing game
So we can create more interesting games


 Racing game SB file

Download the .sb file of the racing game here

 Racing game instructions

Here are the instructions for the racing game

 What's going on?

Handy powerpoint here

Uploads and Classwork

 Upload your finished racing game
 Upload your description here

Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


E-mail: vatl@ysu.am

Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77

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