

A feature of the use of lectures in the educational
process is traditionally
 considered weak
feedback. Therefore, recently there have appeared varieties of
of lecture material in order to enhance the work of students.  Among them - a problem lecture, a
lecture-consultation, a lecture, a press
 conference, a
lecture together, a lecture-conversation, a lecture-discussion,
lecture-provocation, a lecture-study, a lecture visual.

Through this topic, teachers are given practical ideas on how to push students into complex and meticulous craftsmanship through explanation, demonstration, and dynamic examples; Think critically about primary and secondary historical sources through exhibitions of national museums of history and collections of historical objects, as well as through the use of online resources in classrooms.

t is very important to use the media during the history. The easiest way to get students involved in a history course is to watch a movie together because they are of interest to students. On the contrary, filmmakers use significant events: historical periods to educate viewers: to entertain at the same time. After watching each film, your lecturer can fully activate the class, listen to opinions. Depending on the class, you can choose a full movie, animated movie, a few episodes of a TV show, a documentary, YouTube videos, and more.

While it will be a bit difficult to reenact each battle you have to teach in the book, you can try stepping out of the box from time to time. Reading about fighting in history manuals is not fun, but you can have a class of active kids instead of a bored one, by making the battle/event more real. Pick a handful of students and challenge them to play some scenes in the textbooks. They can simulate a battle or an event. This way, you will liven up the classroom, give  a chance to display their acting skills, have a good laugh together, and retain the essential information from the lesson. After the theatre scene is over, you can quickly engage the entire classroom in the debate, brainstorming sessions, work in pairs, or argumentative presentations of the topic

In education, gamification is an essential
component – students learn better and for more extended periods if they have fun during the learning process. You have many 
to introduce gamification in any learning environment
 and teaching session, but we will focus
on teaching history while tackling the most dreadful aspect of this class:
learning of dates. 
Admittedly, learning dates is just teaching months and years. Memorizing
dates is fun and easy, said no children ever, so you need to help them. Times
in history are critical, obviously, but lists of number strings do not help

Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


E-mail: vatl@ysu.am

Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77

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