
VATL members

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Occupation Associate Professor
Interests Books, Science
City Yerevan
Last Online
Occupation architect
Interests Art, Books, Science
City Tbilisi
Last Online
Occupation Georgian Technical University
Interests Science
City Tbilisi
Last Online
Occupation GTU
Interests Books
City Tbilisi
Last Online
Occupation YSU
Interests Sport, Music, Books
City Yerevan
Last Online
Occupation -
Interests Science
City Minsk
Last Online
Occupation Trainer
Interests Music, Books
City Tbilisi
Last Online
Boris Atayan
Occupation Lecturer
Interests Music, Books, Science
City Yerevan
Last Online
Occupation -
Interests -
City Minsk
Last Online

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Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


E-mail: vatl@ysu.am

Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77

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