
VATL courses

Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom


This is a compact version of the course Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom given by Didacticum (Teaching Staff Development Center at Linköping University, Sweden) in December 2018 as a part of the PRINTeL project.

This version is meant to be used as a reference for developing you own implementation of the course, or as a self-study course for a group of teachers.

All material from the original course is available online at Didacticum.

Things to do before the course (individually or in group)
Type Description of activity
Individually Read at least one of the articles and browse through at least one of the guides provided in the section Additional Resources.
Individually Take the TET-SAT test to assess your pedagogical digital competence.
In group Compare your results from the TET-SAT test with your colleagues and discuss your reflections from the TET-SAT questions.

 Additional resources
Active Learning

Active LearningActive learning is anything that involves students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing. As a teacher, you probably practice active learning already, even if you have not heard the term before.

Things to do in Active Learning
Type Description of activity
Browse through the general introduction to get a feel for what active learning can be.
Individually Take a few minutes to fill out the Active Learning Worksheet. Here you will reflect on the kinds of active learning techniques you are already using, or that you want to explore
 In group Toghether with your colleagues, locate some of these techniques on the Active Learning Grid. How complex are they? How much equipment is needed?

 Introduction to Active Learning
 Active Learning Worksheet
 Active Learning Grid
Flipped Classroom

Flipped ClassroomFlipped Classroom is a pedagogical approach where classroom time (when teachers and students meet) is spent in an active and engaging way, instead of more classical lectures. Most people associate flipped classroom with pre-recorded lectures, but the most important aspect is actually what the teacher chooses to do in class, instead of lecturing.

Production of videos can take a lot of time and effort, and of course we want to make the best of it. However, it is more important to start small. If you focus to much on production quality at the beginning, you will get nowhere. Start by recording your voice to already prepared PowerPoint slides.

Things to do in Flipped Classroom
Type Description of activity
Have a look at the brief introduction to flipped classroom, just to get a feel for the basic ideas.
Individually Start trying to produce material for your students. Find a lecture, or a part of a lecture, that you have already prepared and record it. Use the guidelines provided, if necessary. Reflect on your pedagogical choices as you do it.
In group
Show your material to your colleagues and reflect on your experience.

 Introduction to Flipped Classroom
 Record a slide show with narration and slide timings
Course Design

Course DesignThe best way to incorporate the ideas of active learning and flipped classroom into a course, is to start from scratch and design the course with these concepts in mind. There are several ways to do this, and one excellent tool is the ABC Learning Design toolkit.

In its simplest form, ABC Learning Design is a two-hour workshop that will help a group of teachers to (re)design a course or a part of a course. It works best if you have a trained facilitator that can run the workshop, but it is also possible to do it yourself. There are plenty of easy to follow instructions on the ABC Learning Design web.

Things to do in Course Design
Type Description of activity
Individually Read through the guidlines for the ABC Learning Design workshop and prepare the material.
In group Book two hours and walk through the steps of the ABC Learning Design workshop. The outcome of that workshop should be a general outline of a (re)designed course.
In group Take the design from the ABC Learning Design workshop and work out the details using the questions and guidelines in the instructions for the DEF lab.
 In group The final part of the DEF lab is a presentation of your work. Book a presentation for your department. It is important to share your work.

 ABC Learning Design
 Instructions for the DEF lab

Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


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