
VATL courses


We often hear, "History is boring," "it's a science of memorization," "why should I consider everything that happened so long ago?" To teach history to 21st century students, new approaches and teaching strategies are needed. This can be done through interactive courses and innovative methods.
TOPIC 1. Non-traditional lectures.
 Topic 1. Non-traditional lectures
 Non-traditional lectures
 Changing a Traditional Lecturing ...
 Active Learning Techniques Versus Traditional Teaching Styles: Two Experiments from History and Political Science
TOPIC 2. Modern methods of teaching history
 Lecture 2
 Wineburg, Sam and Daisy Martin. "Reading & Rewriting History." Educational Leadership, 61, no. 1 (September),
 History teachers' conceptions of inquiry-based learning, beliefs about the nature of history, and their relation to the classroom context
 C3 Framework
TOPIC 3. The use of the media to teach history
 Topic 3 -Lecture
 The impact of social media on History education: a view from England
 Uses of history in history education
  How is this realized in the lesson
TOPIC 4. Reenactments in teaching history
 How to conduct Historical reenactments
 How Teachers Can Conduct Historical Reenactments in Their Own Schools
 Please, answer the question
TOPIC 5. Gamification in History teahing
 Game-Ani's keys
 Please answer the following questions
 Advantages and disadvantages
 Gamification in History education

Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


E-mail: vatl@ysu.am

Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77

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