
VATL courses

Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning

1. Introduction to Blended Learning
 Presentation Introduction to Blended Learning
1.1 Definition of Hybrid/Blended learning
 The Basics of Hybrid/Blended learning
 Potential Challenges
1.2 Learning Outcomes
 Learning Course Objectives
1.3 Teaching & Learning Method
 Teaching & Learning Method
 Tips for using the method
1.4 Assessment
1.5 References
2. E-moderating and the reflective practitioner/teacher
 Task 1: Arrivals - Welcome
2.1 • Introduction to the role of reflection in learning
 Reflection in teacher education
 The reflective practitioner
 Task 2: The reflective practitioner
2.2 The role of the teacher
 The role of teacher
2.3 Introduction to e-moderating and the 5 stage model
 An Introduction to E-moderation
 An Introduction to E-tivities
 Th 5 Stage model
 Task 3: Design your own eTivity
2.6 References
3. Dealing with an e-learning platform Moodle
 Presentation MOODLE
3.1 Introduction to MOODLE
 What is Moodle?
 Moodle 3.5
 Challenges of E-learning
3.2 Pedagogy on Moodle
 Task 1
 Task 2
3.3 Exercises
 Q & A
 This is a test workshop
 Efficiency of Moodle
 Choose the dates for the movie watching activity
3.5 Assessment
 Mid-term ExamWorkshop
 Short Report of Module 3
 Test Assignement
3.6 References
4. Online-Portfolios to support students’ reflection processes
 Presentation ePortfolio
4.1 Introduction to ePortfolio
 Introduction to ePortfolie
 ePortfolios explained: Theory and Practice
 ePortfolios in the COS Program
4.2. ePortfolio Pedagogy
 Bass Social Pedagogy
 Reflection & ePortfolio Pedagogy
4.4 Assessment
 Task 1: What have I done/thought/learned/discussed?
 Task 2: Personal Learning Journal
 Tasks Concept Table
 Tasks Concept Table
 Tasks Concept
4.5 References
5. Multimedia online learning material production
 Presentation Online Learning Material Production
 Video production explained: Theory and Practice:
 About texts and multimedia
5.1 Introduction to Videos & MOOCs
 Introduction to MOOCs
 Screencasting Tools
 Online Video Usage
5.3 Assessment
 Feedback on Module 5
 MOOC concepts (Deliverable 1)
 Video concept (Deliverable 2)Forum
5.4 References
6.1 Introduction to Project based learning
 Presentation Introduction to Project based learning
6.2 The role of Project Management
 The role of Project Managment
6.3 Online Collaboration Tools
 Online Collaboration Tools
 Google Drive Tutorial
 Google Suite Tutorial
 TRELLO Tutorial
6.6 References
 Sources & References

Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


E-mail: vatl@ysu.am

Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77

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