
VATL courses

Basics of Information Security

Category: Science and Technology

  1. We're going to start this course by trying to understand why cyber security has become such a huge problem. 
  2. We're going to do this by developing what we call a security mindset. Once we're done with that we're going to talk about a number of basic design principles that can help us better secure computer systems.
  3. Cryptography is the foundation of security. In this course, we will discuss the basics of encryption as well as attacks on encryption schemes.
  4. We will review several historical and simple encryption schemes. 
  5. We introduce main types of modern cryptography and how they are used in security.

Start Date:  Wednesday, 09 September 2020
Topics: 6

Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


E-mail: vatl@ysu.am

Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77

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