
VATL courses

Connection (text decription)

In the VATL-community
user can create the connection with other members of the community.


What means a connection
in the VATL-community. This is something like friendship in social networks.


If I press the menu
link Manage connection, I see all members of the community with whom I am in
connection. I can change a status of connected users: to choose one or some
roles from drop-down list: Friend, Co worker, Family; and I can also write a
shot comment or description in the bottom field. Press Update to save changes.


Now let's visit a page
of connected user. Here we see a remark: You are directly connected with focus


How to create a new
connection? Let's go to the page of the user with whom we have no established
connection. Here we can send a request connection. We have received the
message: Connection pending Acceptance.


In the VATL-community
we can meet the user, who is not connected with us, but he stays in connection
with our friends. Here we see the connection path to the focus user. It
has  2 degrees. I am connected with this
user, he is connected with the focus user. Here there is the button Request


Now I check my
connections. Here I see one requested connection is waited an approvment.


Let's see the
situation from the position of the requested user. Relogin as the requested
user. Press manage connection and we see a message: Below you see users
proposing to connect with you. You have the choice to accept or decline their
request. Accept the request and update the profile.

Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


E-mail: vatl@ysu.am

Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77

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