
VATL courses

Checklist Plugin

This plugin is so cool it deserves a page to itself!

The checklist is an activity for Moodle that allows you to create a to-do list based on the resources and activities you have posted in a section. The illustration shown below is a checklist of six items that were created on the main course page.


Students can see items checked off automatically as they meet the conditions you've established in completion tracking settings (e.g., making a post or submission). Besides helping students keep track of what they've completed and what still needs to be done, checklists are helpful to faculty, allowing you to track your students' progress and offer feedback on their performance.


When you view an individual student's progress, you can add comments to an item to provide feedback to the student. You can also toggle the view to see a date/time stamp of when each activity was completed.

For more information on using checklists, see this complete guide.


Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


E-mail: vatl@ysu.am

Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77

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