This site is designed to offer ideas about different things you can do with a Moodle course. If you are new to Moodle, you might be interested in reviewing this evolution chart which we've developed to describe the kinds of things we expect them to be able to do with Moodle over time.
This section includes sample course orientation materials including a Google calendar and infographic version of a course syllabus.
In order to communicate with other users, to participate in discussions, to create or to learn courses user should do the registration.
Interactive activities are the key to making a course engaging and effective. Learn more about forums, assignments, groups and other useful course activities here.
In the VATL-community user can create a connection with other members of the community.
What means a connection in the VATL-community? This is something like friendship in social networks.
Find out more about setting up quizzes and surveys.
Lots of tips and tricks here for managing a Moodle course—many learned the hard way!
The course environment provides various settings for access to educational materials, structuring elements by topic or time. It is possible to create content elements for interaction with material (activity) and for passive perception (resources).
Here's information about our approach to course design. This process can be applied to either face-to-face or online courses.
A - member of VATL
can build your own course.
Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning
Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77