
VATL courses

Video as Learning Tool for Teachers and Students

Category: Academic Support Services

It is not surprising that video has become one of the most popular instructional resources referring to online learning but it has also gained visibility in traditional classrooms. Audio-visual materials can convey and communicate complex information in a more motivating and memorable way creating richer learning experiences. Pedagogical strategies like Flipped Classroom or the usage of digital tools such as interactive whiteboards, tablets and mobile phones inside the classroom, are contributing for new teaching approaches and the increase of interaction and engagement with students.

This course will address several concrete Teaching & Learning scenarios on how to use video as a learning tool with practical cases, both in class as outside class, and examples of tools that teachers can use to motivate and engage students increasing the quality of their learning process.

There is a variety of ways to effectively use video as a learning tool and with this course, teachers will have the opportunity to approach several strategies that align pedagogical aims, learning outcomes with video, inside and outside the classroom. 

We will try to create moments and spaces were participants can reflect and discuss different implications and challenges of using video in teaching and learning.
The tools presented and used through the different parts of the course can be different, each participant can use the tools that have available the important is to give some tips and technics that will contribute for the enhancement of teaching practices.

Start Date:  Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Topics: 5

Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


E-mail: vatl@ysu.am

Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77

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