
VATL courses

Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning

Category: Education

participants to use this innovative learning concept for promoting it in the
teaching and learning environments in their home universities.

This course
supports teachers in enhancing their teaching qualifications with competences
in the field of new and innovative media in order to meet the current needs of
the students.
In this course the introduction
of blended learning and teaching concept will be the basis of a wide span of e-
learning & teaching methodologies: starting from E-moderating and how the
teacher role has changed, through to how to deal with an e-learning platform,
creating online portfolios, learning materials for blended learning scenarios, further
mentioning online project management tools and the
impact of culture on the teaching and learning

The course will cover the following topics:

(1)  Introduction
to Blended Learning

Getting an
understanding of online learning and communication processes and the
differences between presence teaching and online teaching

(2)  E-moderating and the reflective practitioner/teacher

Getting familiar
with pedagogical concepts for blended teaching

(3)  Dealing
with an e-learning platform Moodle

Getting familiar
with the technological infrastructure

(4)  Online-Portfolios
to support students’ reflection processes

Discussion on the
modified roles of the teacher in an online setting and appreciate reflection

(5)  Multimedia online learning material

multimedia products such as presentations, videos or e-books under didactic aspects
for their own teaching/learning situation

(6)  Online
tools to support Project Based Learning

Learning about online collaborative tools to support project based courses

Start Date:  Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Topics: 38

Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning


E-mail: vatl@ysu.am

Phone: (+374 10) 57 06 77

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