My Favorite Blocks
4. Activities
One of the 1,001 great things about Moodle (I've counted!) is that you can import the content from a prior term or offering into a new, empty course shell and update it as needed for the next set of participants. If you have more than a few assignments or quizzes with due dates, however, it can be tricky to remember which ones you have updated for the new offering and which still need to be revised.
That's where the "ACTIVITIES" block comes in handy!
If you add the ACTIVITIES block to your course (see Learning on the Side for more information on adding blocks to a course), you can quickly see what the due dates are for items you've posted.
To check the due dates for your assignments, for instance, click on Assignments in the block.
This will bring up a list of all of the assignments in your course (my students are already submitting their work—I can see at a glance that I have grading to do!).
When I click on an assignment link, the link opens and I can then click on Edit settings in the Assignment administration block and update the due dates as needed. This is a great time saver!